Fifty-Two Matches in the Dark
2021 | 8min 31 sec | Digital | color & b/w | sound
Nowadays, the society still runs on power structure and patriarchy. There are all kinds of voices from those being marginalized or oppressed other than just gender voices. With the dancer’s body as materials, this piece explores the deep scars caused by the intervention of power in the memories.
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Like some countries in Europe in WWII, they had many sad stories to tell. During the 10 years Culture Revolution in China from 1966 to 1976, there were many intellectuals, authors and artists had been found suicided. When I read about these 52 suicided intellectual stories, which is alluded by the 52 multiphonics or longer passages in the piece.The air noise after them can be seen as a wind that blow the light away. In terms of the technique, I think its very important to connect all the different extended/ordinary techniques together in a very short amount of time. the changes from one techniques to another are often very quick, and the performer still need to care about the overall phrasing at the same time. (Text by Tak-Cheung HUI)
2021 入選文化部 「藝起秀創藝」線上微型演出
2024 入選ITSLIQUID Future Landscapes, International Art Exhibition in Venice
製作人、薩克斯風|顧鈞豪 音樂創作、錄音工程|許德彰 導演、剪輯|黃思婷 舞蹈|楊雅鈞 攝影|陳譽陞 行政統籌|黃世婷 製作單位|薩克幫重奏團