2023 | 3 min 54 sec | Digital | color & b/w | sound
The body serves as a vessel that stores self-awareness.
This film initially develops through the sense of touch, picking up traces of various emotions left along the journey. It constantly moves, pauses, and intersects, driven by the power generated through shifting of balance, prompting a dialogue between the body and memory, re-experiencing the mutual influence of "internal" and "external," thus reflecting on one's own state of floating unease. As the final note of music fades away, the consciousness of constraints is awakened. After experiencing all of this, is it ultimately gaining the drive to move forward? Or is it discovering oneself endlessly trapped in a cycle like Sisyphus?
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Director Statement
This film was completed during a Dance Film workshop. As a filmmaker, I warm up with the dancers every day, something I had never tried before. It was the first time I had such a solid feeling of my own physical condition. During this process, I followed the dancers in a movement of shifting weight, using the momentum generated by swinging and transferring weight to create a cycle of "initiating-holding-falling-rising" movements. This movement may be a basic exercise for the dancers, but I felt that it resonated with my inner state at that time. Therefore, I decided to develop the entire film based on this movement, connecting external actions with internal emotions, hoping to confront my own contradictions and fears.
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Director, Editor, Sound Design:HUANG Sze-Ting
Dancer:CHEN Yi-Chun
Cinematographer: LIAO Chang-Fu
2024 入選影展
Experimental, Dance & Music Film Festival
Muestra Movimiento Audiovisual
2024 展覽 |低失記憶術 Hypomnesic Memor
鬧空間 NOW space & 鬧房間 NOW room
王懷遠、李永傑、莊約翰、邱靖婷、胡小霓、侯蔽、許戊德、許曉薇、黃聖鈞、薛若儀、黃思婷、趙若彤、顏子惟、蘇長慶、Viviane Roi
Afterimage Matter & 鬧工作室 NOW studio